
Membership in the Friends of South Slough (FOSS) is an investment in the mission and future of our organization. Your annual membership and your financial contributions support FOSS activities and provide an important measure of community engagement in our mission.

The Friends of South Slough Reserve, Inc. is composed of persons interested in insuring that the functions, values and processes of estuaries are appreciated, protected, preserved and restored. FOSS is organized under ORS Chapter 65, that governs nonprofit corporations in Oregon. We are a qualified 501(c)(3) charity and membership contributions and donations are tax deductible.

Our mission is to support protection and stewardship of estuaries by being a trusted voice on estuary policy and by enhancing the work of South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve.

Here are just some of the activities and functions that are made possible with support from FOSS members.

  • Salaries for interns that work with Reserve staff
  • Supplies for stewardship events, classes and day camps
  • Support for the Reserve’s public involvement and outreach
  • Management and coordination of grants for research, enhancement of facilities, and land acquisitions.

Membership Benefits:

  • Support priority estuarine research, outreach, classes, camps and workshops
  • An annual meeting to celebrate the year’s accomplishments, enjoy food and fellowship
  • Opportunities to participate in FOSS leadership, bookstore operations and projects

Annual Memberships:

Lifetime Membership:

  • Individual $250

Additional Donations:

Like many volunteer-based organizations, we are grateful for additional donations to further the FOSS mission. We thank you for your generosity and ensuring the continued financial support of South Slough Reserve priorities through FOSS. We are always happy to discuss opportunities with donors. Please contact us with questions at or PO Box 5446,Charleston, OR 97420. Thank you!